Monday 4 October 2010

An update of where we are

This might seem a little backward but we thought we'd post an update of the last week's activities.  On Wednesday (30th September) we met with our contact with the secondary school.  We went in with some ideas that we've posted previously.  The meeting went well but we came out knowing that we had to rethink our plans.  However we were really excited about this as our remit is much wider than we had previously thought.  Our new focus is marrying together Literacy and Technology into a 6 week intervention that really engages the children.  The school seems really supportive, especially the Headteacher, and of course our contact, JW. 

JW is coming to visit us at University on 6th October to to discuss the progress we have made since the last meeting.  We will also be meeting with VL, our Creativity tutor to keep her in the loop.

Here is a link to some golden rules for project management that we developed in our first 'Muffins and Mindmaps' meeting.  We came up with the ideas as a group and our tutor DR kindly collated them...Click here for the Golden Rules to Project Management

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