Wednesday 20 October 2010

20th October

Today was our first meeting with the children and it was amazing! The children were really engaged, discussing lots of ideas and happy to share these with others. One child said that, “It’s a really different lesson because we’re all talking and we don’t have to be scared to talk. And the teachers are listening to what we’re saying.” Another said, “It’s really relaxed, and different to normal English lessons.”
We all felt that this was a fabulous start to our project and a good platform for us, and the children, to begin our ethos of A Community of Learners.  
This morning’s lesson went very well today because we worked as a team. We all had sections to lead, but we bounced off of one another. None of us felt that we ‘trod on anyone else’s toes’ and it all came together as a whole. We were all relaxed and enjoying it with the children, which has definitely given us all confidence to continue team teaching. We are also getting amazing support from the university staff, which is great.
Mr Men and Little Miss
This was a really successful start to the lesson. The children were all happy to have snacks/drinks and begin their reflective drawings of Mr Men or Little Miss to represent ‘How they feel about literacy?’ The girls however found this most challenging because they were worried about ‘not drawing well’. We shared our Mr Men/Little Miss drawings to help them overcome this.  Some of the comments they made when discussing their drawings were that: they were often bored in their English lessons, they didn’t like having to sit down to read and write, they also felt that they couldn’t and didn’t move about in their lessons. Here are some examples:

 We also took a few photos of the children working and SK and OH teaching from this morning’s lesson:

As part of the lesson the children came up with the kinds of things they would like on their radio station:

(Photo to follow)

We also brainstormed radio names:
(Photo to follow)

At the end of the lesson we introduced our Reflection Chart. It has a scale from 1 – 10; 1 being uncertain, terrified, apprehensive; 5 – ok; to 10 – happy confident, excited. The children had their names on stickers for the lesson, they were then asked to stick their name on the chart, where they felt the lesson had gone for them. It was lovely to see that all the children were in the green section, numbers 9 and 10! Here is the photo of the Reflection chart: 

JW also mentioned how to get the children’s ideas from their post-its onto the IWB (Interactive White Board) more effectively. We realised that not all the children’s ideas for the radio station’s name were shared, so JW said to use the webcam to take a photo of their post-its and put up on IWB. This way we can annotate and adapt their ideas, record them etc…
Click here for the PowerPoint.

© Sophia Koiston, Oliver Hughes and Helen Goodall 2010

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