Tuesday 19 October 2010

Newspaper Article

Some very exciting news this morning; our project has been published in the ‘Bognor Regis Observer’!!! The issue is ‘Thursday, October 14, 2010’ on pg 6. We all thought it was going in the Chichester Observer, so I accidently discovered it this morning in the library! A very positive start to the beginning of our project!


We liased with our university tutors to keep them informed of our progress...


I just thought I would keep you updated about the presentation this afternoon, as it was a real success! Loads of parents came and they were able to tell us what an impact we have had on the children, not only in literacy, but across the whole of their time in school! It was a great afternoon, and the Observer also managed to come and take a photo, so we should be in Thursday's edition!



Really really glad for you - I'll watch out for it in the Observer!


Thanks for the update Helen. It's *so* exciting isn't it? Great when people say thanks. Clearly it is in large part due to your group's professionalism and motivation, so congrats to you all. I'm *so* sorry I missed it.


Wow!  Well done all of you!  I am so proud of you.  You have done really well.  I feel sure the school will also enjoy your success. Keep going folks and this is excellent.  I will forward your blog onto our Marketing people if I may with your permission.


© Sophia Koiston, Oliver Hughes and Helen Goodall 2010

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