Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Fantastic Finale!

An amazing and impressive finish to the whole project!

Today was an exciting, but also extremely nerve-racking, as guests were to include parents, grandparents, a governor, the Head and a university lecturer, who unfortunately was delayed in traffic and missed the event.
It was also very exciting to be able to show the children what they had achieved, as they had not heard the final podcast. We began to set up the venue, which was to be in the library, with JW’s help. The children arrived after school, all looking very nervous about the prospect of showcasing their work. B very kindly offered to open our project to the audience, and we rehearsed his informal speech. The photographer also arrived from the Bognor Observer, and took a photograph of Helen and J, working with the IWB; they also collected quotes from the children about how they were feeling about the Fantastic Finish. The children helped set up the chairs and programs, which seemed to help them calm their nerves, and JW brought the refreshments.
The Head was keen to speak to the three of us, and he was pleased to see the progress we had made with the children. The guests began to arrive, and the children began to show their anxiety, however, we had every confidence in them, and we were glad we had made video reflection of their learning to show the parents.
The whole presentation was very professional. We introduced B, who did a fantastic job, at explaining what the project had been about, something he would not have had the confidence to do at the beginning of the project. His Mother was very proud. We showcased the children’s final podcast, and although they were embarrassed to hear themselves, we could see how proud they were of what they had achieved. Whilst it was playing, we had a PowerPoint slideshow of all the photographs from the project, which encapsulated the whole process and enjoyment, both the children and us had had. We then showed the children’s video reflections, which was great, as it took the pressure off of them speaking in front of the audience, and meant they were a true reflection of their learning. 
To finish the presentation, we awarded the children with certificates and JW with flowers for all their efforts throughout the project. We then had the opportunity to speak with all the guests, and it became apparent the impact we had had on the children as a whole child. Parents spoke about how their children were more confident, not only with their school work but at home. One parent said how J was now talking about school more frequently at home, and it had improved her home/school relationship with him. Another child, who initially didn’t want to be a part of the project, had dramatically improved in his self confidence. By week two, he was thoroughly engaged and began to come out of his shell. His Mother also said that B had cancelled attending a Gifted and Talented workshop for the Fantastic Finish as he was so proud of his achievements.
On a personal note from all of us, about the parent teacher relationship, this event really highlighted the importance and impact we can have on a child if we have mutual support. We were surprised to see so many Dads at the presentation, which was not only lovely to see, but they were also fully engaged with the project.   
The powerpoint for our final celebration can be accessed by clicking here.

Here are the children's reflections on the project. 

To listen to the final podcast click here.

© Sophia Koiston, Oliver Hughes and Helen Goodall 2010

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