Monday 22 November 2010

Wednesday 17th November 2010

Week 3 of our project, and still going strong!

The children were immersed in different radio genres this week: interviews, sports, news, comedy, advert and jingle.

Firstly, we listened to a Primary School radio show made by year 6 children. We asked the children to find positives and negatives to what made it an effective show. All the pupils were really engaged and it was fabulous to see how their knowledge and understanding is growing. They were able to critic audience, voice, clarity, music and jingle choices; furthermore, they were also becoming analytical of the radio genres we heard.

Secondly, we discussed our visit to Littlehampton Academy, which seemed to have been a very memorable and useful experience. All the yr9s were thinking about the ‘top tips’ which Oli had given them, which was also evident throughout the lesson.

For the main section of the lesson we asked the children to become experts on 2/3 radio genres, of which they then had to present back to the class in their pairs. All of them were very clear of their purpose, audiences and elements which each genre needed to include. One group in particular began to think about how they could make the sport accessible to girls, as well as boys, and the implications for this in their radio broadcast!

Finally, we shared the exciting news about week 4 and our secret celebrity, Hugh Dennis! All the children were very excited; many had either seen him on Mock the Week or on Outnumbered. The children came up with their own questions and there was a noticeable difference in their confidence and quality of their questions. We believe that the children have really benefited from orally rehearsing their questions, with their talk-partners, peers and us. We often do ‘hot seating’ to practise their techniques.

We think that the children are now ready to plan their radio broadcast, using a variety of good quality radio genres, and we are all looking forward to the forth coming weeks!

To view the lesson plan click here.
To view the powerpoint for this lesson click here
To access the radio genres clips, please click the following links:

Advert 1
Advert 2
Comedy 1
Interview 1
Interview 2
News 1
News 2
Real radio jingles
Sport 1
Sport 2

© Sophia Koiston, Oliver Hughes and Helen Goodall 2010

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