Monday 15 November 2010

Visit to The Littlehampton Academy radio station.

Today we visited The Littlehampton Academy's (Wednesday 10th November) own radio station, Revamp. This followed on nicely from the previous week's visit to Spirit FM where we got the opportunity to see what happens within a school radio station. As with the previous week we were ready with a number of questions for our host which we were able to put accross and get further ideas for our own radio podcasts. This gave us lots to think about when we returned back to school as to how we can approach our own podcasts. A massive thank you must go to our brilliant host Oli at The Littlehampton Academy who gave a great wealth of information to us. It was clear from this visit that the children were engaged and are developing confidence with creating and asking questions which is an excellent achievement.

Once back in school with our growing knowledge of podcasting we began to explore some of the software that we will be using over the coming weeks, such as Dance eJay and Podium. The children really engaged with both of these programmes and within a short period they were creating some fabulous jingles and audio recordings, with such an impressive start it will be great to see the progress that we make in the next few weeks!

Whilst we were busy experimenting with the software some of the students began to think about Diverse radio's Logo and what it could look like, something we will look at in the next lesson.

To view our lesson plan click here.
To view the powerpoint for this lesson click here.

© Sophia Koiston, Oliver Hughes and Helen Goodall 2010

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