Thursday 16 September 2010

Yesterday we had our first Creativity 3 lecture. We were assigned the project of working with a local school to raise literacy attainment. We were all really excited (but a little shocked) about the prospect of working with a secondary school as it's quite different to things that we have done before.

The first thing we did was to discuss our ideas. We brainstormed our initial thoughts (see file) which included loads of ideas about the possibilities that this project might bring us and the school. Some of our ideas included:

  • focusing on ICT in literacy and through this wiki that we hope to share with staff and students
  • looking at good practice in literacy in other secondary and middle schools
  • finding out the children's perceptions of literacy in secondary and primary schools
  • the literacy environment
  • having a launch day (authors??)
  • linking drama to literacy more
  • cross curricular links
  • the library
  • Year 6 to Year 7 transition.

We met Duncan after our brainstorming session and received some background information on prior initiatives that have taken place in the school with regard to rasising attainment in literacy, specifically reading. There were a number of similarities between these and our own ideas. We found this surprising but also quite reassuring as this told us that we were probably thinking along the right lines.

In our intial meeting we decided to set up this wiki as a way of recording our work in progress, as well as our reflections.

Next steps...
We plan to ring the school and arrange a meeting to find out what the school needs and how we can try to help them.

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