Wednesday 22 September 2010

Handout for the meeting

Raising attainment in literacy

By looking at the information available to us, including Ofsted reports, the school’s website and the previous creativity project we have begun to come up with a picture of where the school currently stands with regard to literacy. 

Our aims

Building on the success of last year’s project, we propose a programme focusing on developing pupils as writers.  Using the critical reading skills acquired through the intervention Ready Steady Book, we hope to remove barriers within the reader writer relationship and therefore increase attainment. 

We would like to consult the pupils that we will be working with in order to incorporate their interests and ideas about what would work for them into the programme.  Some of our initial thoughts would be to:

introduce response partners
look at the talk for writing model
model and scaffold the writing process explicitly with the children
shared writing
develop success criteria through a genre approach
develop writing through immersion in text type
writing frames/ starters
displays to aid writing / working walls
ensure creative purpose and audience e.g. blog, book, or magazine.

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